Changes in our domain name.
Hell to Flash and com to info... Maybe you have noticed it already - we had to abandon the old .COM domain and redirect all our pages to the new domain -> All I can say is DO NOT register your domain with
domainstobeseen as they have NO customer support and basically it is a scam :(
NINTENDO will make GBA Emulator?
latest news - Nintendo is trying to attack the developers
of gameboy and gba sp emulators by means of patent low.
They have registered a patent for GAMEBOY EMULATOR - The
US Patent ( 6,672,963 ),
effectively makes any unauthorized Nintendo emulator illegal
in the United States and threatens any reverse engineering
of videogame's to promote interoperability and emulation
by hobbyists.
Nintendo has used claims under this GBA roms emulator patent threatening Palm
OS developers Crimson Fire Entertainment and Gambit Studios
with their patent on emulation of handheld games on low-power
portable devices.
NeoFlash NDS Flash Cards
The most discussed topic right now has to be the news regarding the NeoFlash copier which will allow you to run freeware nds roms and hopefully commercial NDS game roms using a PassMe clone and a GBA Flash cartridge.
NeoFlash NDS Flash Card Nintendo DSi R4i flash carts
Gameboy Emulation Resources.
Has to be noted that gba and gbc emulators that were created
before Nintendo got the patent for it are legal.
GBA Advance Multiplayer emulators
Just like the name of the domain suggest GB Color emulator site.